Yesterday marked our twenty eighth year of marriage. July 28, 2012. As I was spending time with God and my journal in the morning, this prayer came out of my heart and onto my journal's pages. By recording it here, it's my hope that maybe some of you might be encouraged to seek God's strength and will for your marriage. Our marriage has entered a new season. Empty nest. Our purpose of raising our children is now finished and we look forward to a new season of growing friendships with our adult children. If it weren't for God's help, guidance and love, our marriage would not be what it is today. It is only by His grace that we have life, have love and can have hope for a future of fruitfulness for Him.
Lord, you have brought us through fire and water to the place we are now. (Psalm 66:12) Thank you for the healing you have brought us individually and as a couple. Thanks that you've given us so many blessings we don't deserve. Wonderful young adult children, and a family that is expanding to add now a daughter-in-law. You've given us good health, sound minds, and a vision for our future. We both want to live lives of significance and purpose, Lord. I know that because of what you did for us on the cross, we already have that. (John 14:6)
Protect our marriage from ungodly and evil influences, Lord. Protect us from Satan's schemes and keep us both on the narrow path, Lord. It is only by keeping to the narrow path of your ways and your will that we find life. Life in all of it's fullness. (Matthew 7:13-14)
I ask in Jesus' Name and by His blood that You would release us into the next season in our lives. I believe Your plans for us are very great. Plans for welfare, and not for calamity. A plan to give us hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) Thank you that you are in ultimate control, even though we long to be. Thanks that you see all things from beginning to end. You are outside our space and time continuum. I ask you, Lord, from your vantage point, to fulfill Your will in our lives. Cause us to be fruitful and content wherever we are, Father!
Help us to use our gifts and talents for you. Help us not to judge others for what they have, and what we think we don't have. Help us to have an eternal impact on our children, future grand children, friends, family and the world around us. That's what we both want. Lord, only what we do for you will last.
Help us to use our gifts and talents for you. Help us not to judge others for what they have, and what we think we don't have. Help us to have an eternal impact on our children, future grand children, friends, family and the world around us. That's what we both want. Lord, only what we do for you will last.
Unify us, Lord, for it is only in unity that we have strength, power and influence for your Kingdom. Make us quick to forgive each other and others. Give us understanding of each other and patience in our weaknesses and faults.(Colossians 3:14)
Help us to remember what is truly and really important, Lord. Not the externals, but the internals of humility, integrity, love, honor and holiness. Give us both a hunger and thirst for righteousness. And, as we seek righteousness in you, lead us into your peace and joy. Lord, you promise us joy in following you and your ways. I receive that joy, Lord! I receive your peace on behalf of both of us and our family!(Romans 14:17)
Bless us today, Father, and every day. Bring us into even greater areas of influence for you, Lord. Fulfill your plans and your vision for our marriage. May your kingdom come and your will be done in us, and in our family. In Jesus' precious Name and by His Blood. Amen.
A scripture verse that I've leaned on so much through the years is Psalm 37:4-7a. It says,
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him."