Saturday, May 13, 2017

When you need to be mom to yourself

Linking up today with Five Minute Friday, wild and free writers writing on a prompt for five minutes straight, with no fancy edits. I'm linked up over at Kate Motaung's blog. Head on over to see what others have written on the prompt, "mom".

Several years ago, I began a quest, a journey, to wholeness and wholeheartedness.  Lots of physical symptoms were popping up in my body and life, alerting me to changes that must be made.

For the past seventeen years, I've been determined on this quest to be a mom to myself. That's right, regardless of the parents I had as a child, I realized I needed to be "mom" to the little child that was still residing inside of me, and always would be there..

I started slowly to

#1 realize she was there

#2 realize she needed me as an ally and friend and "parent"

#3 realize she needed healing

Several opportunities arose for me to help me on this journey. Counseling, yes. And also, an inner child healing ministry.

Sometimes, because of the healing I've received in the past 17 years and counting, I want to be a "mom" to the whole world (even though I KNOW that's not my job, but I can pray..)

And, you know what the mom in me wants to tell my biological kids and the "kids" of the whole world? (the kids inside us adults and the real kids!)

I want to reveal to them the secret of life indeed.

Life abundant.

Life healed and whole.

I believe this secret knowledge is available to everyone. But we must BELIEVE and SPEAK it over ourselves.

Here it is:


 Thanks for stopping by today, friend! I hope this good news has helped you in some way. 

Blessings to you in abundance,

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