I have a confession to make. I am addicted to books.
When I was little, I didn’t have a library card. We lived
eight miles out in the country and we were not library people. I went to a
country school which hosted the Book Mobile once every two weeks or so, but
that’s about it.
I was not too much into reading, other than what was
assigned to me in class.
I read My Antonia in seventh grade. And The Scarlet Letter as a sophomore.
I didn’t do a lot of reading just for fun when I
was younger. Not like my cousin, Valerie, who devoured books then. I couldn’t
understand how she could be so engrossed in other people’s
stories. She was glued. She sat there in the corner and ate sunflower seeds by the bushel and
read and read and read.
Now, I understand.
In fact, I think I have been trying to make up for lost reading time in the past fourteen years.
Fourteen years ago we made a move from Illinois to Iowa.
And, for the first time in my life (it seems) I got a library card. At least that's when I really started using one. And, to
make matters even better, the library was a short walking distance from our back yard. And still is.
I started immediately feeding my new addiction.
I confess. I check out way more books than I can possibly
read in a three week time frame.
Why? I do not know.
I pay way too many fines.
My consolation is that I love the library so much and my money is helping them.
Sometimes I feel like a book hoarder. Like if I don’t
check out all that interests me this time, maybe they won’t be
available next time. My logical sense knows that this is hogwash, but I can’t
seem to change my ways.
A few weeks ago, I checked out a book called Handling the
Truth: On the Writing of Memoir by Beth Kephart. This is my favorite book about writing memoir
(I’d like to write one someday), plus she listed her absolute favorite memoirs
in the back of her book. And, she is a memoirist herself, so I trust her. Period.
I started a Good Reads account that day, just so I could add all those memoirs she suggested. The next time I went to the library, I scrounged for any of them.
The next time I went to a different local library I looked.
We went out
of town, and I sniffed around in their Half Price Book store, and I did find several on
her list. I had to buy one. It was like finding a little treasure. I had to
limit myself to one book, mostly since my husband was with me and would surely
question an armload of books, even at half price.
“How many can you read at one
Well, it turns out, I have an answer for that.
I am reading four books. I have read more at a time before, but four is the
current number.
She then went on for twenty years, traveling the world and telling her story of how God did miracles in the death camp and how God had worked in her and her family through those years.
I am fascinated at how
someone’s faith can stay intact in that grim situation, watching people die
every day at the hands of evil people. I am also fascinated by the fact that she faced and forgave the German officer responsible for her sister's death.
The Healing Light I picked up at my church's bookstore. It was written in the 1940’s and I am a little fascinated by reading
authors from long ago. This book is about healing yes, but it is really about
prayer. I am passionate about both.
The Good Good Pig is one of those memoirs that is on Beth
Kephart’s list of favorites. I happened upon it in a Salvation Army store. Again, a treasure found! I didn’t have my Goodreads account with me, but it is a story about a pig. So it had stuck in my memory banks and I knew it when I saw it.
I am still in the
beginning pages of this book, but it is an entertaining read and full of all
the antics that a young pig causes, like getting out of his pen repeatedly to eat in the
neighbor’s lettuce garden. I usually pick this one up as a bedtime read.
I’ll See You Again is also a memoir. I checked it out of the library
once before. It is a story about a family who tragically lost three little
girls in a car accident and how they lived through the trauma and grief.
didn’t read it last time it got checked out. I couldn’t bring myself. It seemed
too depressing. But, I ran across it again last night and started reading it at
the library. Again, I am curious how this mother, this father could survive
this awful tragedy and keep their faith and their marriage intact.
I guess you might say, I am addicted to stories.
stories are who we are. As my husband said last night, “Everything I’ve been
through has made me what I am today.” I couldn’t agree more.
The good, the bad,
the ugly. It all makes up us. God's grace covers all.
other people’s stories gives me hope. It shows me how different all of our
stories are, but how really in the end, we all are alike.
We all need some sort
of healing from the past, hope for the future and strength for today.
I am going to keep reading stories. I am going to keep
telling mine.
And, I’m going to try really hard not to rack up huge library
Thanks for joining me today!

Thanks for joining me today!

I'm linking up today with Coffee for Your Heart and Three Word Wednesday.
I'm a book lover, as well, and a storyteller. I encourage people everywhere to tell their stories. They are yours to tell and only yours.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dayle! We are definitely kindred spirits!