Silence makes everything loud.
The sipping from my tea cup.
My canary cracking seeds open.
The clamoring voices in my head.
In the silence my thoughts are loud.
The good, life-giving ones and the not-so-life-giving ones.
Nevertheless, in the silence,
I hear.
I'm able to hear more in the silence.
But, am I listening?
There is a difference.
What am I listening to?
Whose voice?
What messages?
Whose whispers?
The silence is golden because it reveals truth.
The thoughts, intentions and perceptions of my heart are laid bare.
Wide open to my Maker
who is Judge and King
but who is also grace and love.
He sees my heart in the noise and in the silence.
He looks on me with unconditional love and compassion,
loving-kindness and grace.
He pronounces me "very good."
When I have ears to hear.
When I choose to listen.
May the words of my mouth, even unspoken ones, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to Him who made both my mouth and my heart.
May His golden silence fill me through and through.
I wait.
I look.
I listen.
Blessings to you, friend!
Linking up today with Holley for Coffee for Your Heart and Beth for Three Word Wednesday.
The sipping from my tea cup.
My canary cracking seeds open.
The clamoring voices in my head.
In the silence my thoughts are loud.
The good, life-giving ones and the not-so-life-giving ones.
Nevertheless, in the silence,
I hear.
I'm able to hear more in the silence.
But, am I listening?
There is a difference.
Whose voice?
What messages?
Whose whispers?
The messages and whispers I listen to in the silence will determine my 'state-of-being' in the noise.
The thoughts, intentions and perceptions of my heart are laid bare.
Wide open to my Maker
who is Judge and King
but who is also grace and love.
He sees my heart in the noise and in the silence.
He looks on me with unconditional love and compassion,
loving-kindness and grace.
He pronounces me "very good."
But, what He sees in me in the noise, is only revealed to me in the silence.
When I choose to listen.
May the words of my mouth, even unspoken ones, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to Him who made both my mouth and my heart.
May His golden silence fill me through and through.
I wait.
I look.
I listen.
Blessings to you, friend!
Linking up today with Holley for Coffee for Your Heart and Beth for Three Word Wednesday.