Eyes wide open.
Ears that are eager.
John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."
Bible open, pencil in hand, journal in lap, and the words start pouring out on the page. The still, small voice of Truth. I'm listening intently, even as I am writing feverishly. I want to have eyes and ears of faith. I want to have an open mind and heart to everything God has for me.
Your life belongs to God. I, your Heavenly Father, am your Need Meeter. I provide everything you need.
When you look to yourself or other people to meet your needs, you may see that they are met for awhile, but not really. In the end you will see that you will barely get by and your apparent abundance will just be an illusion. All that you thought was filling your hands will slip through like sifting sand.
The Enemy of your soul will always tempt you to trust in yourself or other people apart from Me. Don't take the bait. Trust only in Me. What I provide will always be satisfying and it will be lasting. I am the Beginning and I Am the End. I Am First and Last. Therefore, My provisions are trustworthy and lasting. They are satisfying. They are like a rock that cannot be moved.
Keep your eyes on Me, your Need Meeter. Expect Me to provide. Expect Me to act. I am always working behind the scenes to provide for your every need.
Friendships? I've got that covered.
Food? I've got that too.
Peace? Yes, it's provided.
Joy? It's yours in abundance.
Love? Oh yes. My love is everlasting. My love is eternal. My love for you is provisional, unconditional, immovable.
My love for you is what motivates Me to provide for you. When you look to anything or anyone else that I created to provide all that you need, you miss out on My very best for you.
I love providing for you. I never tire of it. I am Love. Everything I do is out of Myself, Love.
I am trustworthy. Keep your eyes on Me and you will know. Keep your heart tuned in to Me and you will truly see. You will see the truth, and the truth will set you free and keep you free.
Ears that are eager.
John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."
John 14:26 "But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative--that is, the Holy Spirit--he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Your life belongs to God. I, your Heavenly Father, am your Need Meeter. I provide everything you need.
When you look to yourself or other people to meet your needs, you may see that they are met for awhile, but not really. In the end you will see that you will barely get by and your apparent abundance will just be an illusion. All that you thought was filling your hands will slip through like sifting sand.
The Enemy of your soul will always tempt you to trust in yourself or other people apart from Me. Don't take the bait. Trust only in Me. What I provide will always be satisfying and it will be lasting. I am the Beginning and I Am the End. I Am First and Last. Therefore, My provisions are trustworthy and lasting. They are satisfying. They are like a rock that cannot be moved.
Keep your eyes on Me, your Need Meeter. Expect Me to provide. Expect Me to act. I am always working behind the scenes to provide for your every need.
Friendships? I've got that covered.
Food? I've got that too.
Peace? Yes, it's provided.
Joy? It's yours in abundance.
Love? Oh yes. My love is everlasting. My love is eternal. My love for you is provisional, unconditional, immovable.
My love for you is what motivates Me to provide for you. When you look to anything or anyone else that I created to provide all that you need, you miss out on My very best for you.
I love providing for you. I never tire of it. I am Love. Everything I do is out of Myself, Love.
I am trustworthy. Keep your eyes on Me and you will know. Keep your heart tuned in to Me and you will truly see. You will see the truth, and the truth will set you free and keep you free.
John 10:10, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
please go to day 1 to see a list of all 31 posts.
So beautiful! Loved the reminder that He is our provider of joy. Its easy to forget that He is our provider in all things, not just the physical.
ReplyDeletethanks, Hannah! I've needed to go to God often lately for the joy. :)
DeleteThis is good. Proud of you for blogging for 31 days.