Friday, August 19, 2016

when you're picked last

Do you remember grade school recess? I do. Some were fun. Some, not so much. 

I wasn't very athletic, and I was a little chubby. I was pretty much one of the last to be picked for the team, whatever game was being played that day. 

Funny, how most of the games that were played in grade school involved running. I think about that now, and I wonder why? 

Hmm. Thinking out loud here.

Sometimes i can feel "picked last" as an adult. 

Oh, it's not the same. I'm not playing kickball or Pump Pump Pull Away, but I can feel picked last anyway.

I'm realizing that this feeling is something I've carried over from childhood. Digging deep, I realize that by being picked last for games, and coming in dead last at the annual "Fun Day", I started to equate being last with my worth.

Not a good combination.

I started reading a book this week that has begun to heal this feeling of being "picked last", or to put it another way, low self-esteem.

The grocery store clerk isn't always silently mocking me. People probably aren't talking behind my back.

Lysa Terkeurst used the term "live loved" in her book Uninvited. 

 I soaked that phrase up like a damp sponge.

I think that's the key to kicking the feeling of being "picked last" in life.

I'm going to start reminding myself that I'm loved deeply.
I'm going to say, "live loved" to myself a lot.

I hope you do, too. Because it's true.

Blessings to you, friend. Let's live loved.


Linking up today with other writers for Five Minute Friday. Head on over to Kate Motaung's blog to find out about it, or join in. Today's prompt is "team".


  1. Such an encouraging post and a helpful reminder. I'm going to put it on a note in my car. (I have issues with mergers.) :)
    Peace. FMF#34

    1. So glad this was helpful to you!! What a great idea to put on a note in the car. I think I need one on my mirror, too. Blessings to you!

  2. Loved this post so much. So relatable to so many of us. Thank you for writing it, Anne. Will have to look for the book!

    1. Luana, thanks always for your comment! I'm glad it resonated. I cannot recommend this book enough even though I'm only in the first pages! This one phrase was worth the cost of the book! Love you, friend.

  3. anne, i can so identify with not getting picked for the team. i wasn't chubby, but i was little, clumsy and very unathletic:( i was not help to teams who chose me for sure! it was horribly embarrassing when it came time to be chosen for a team:( great post:) btw, i'm your next door neighbor at FMF.

  4. I can definitely relate to this. I think living from a place of remembering how much we are loved by God would make a big difference. I've heard a lot of good things about this book. Hoping to read it soon.

  5. Thanks Anne, I just put the book on reserve at my library. I need this reminder to live loved.
    In my earliest years on the crowded playground, we did not run but played jump rope and hopscotch or balance walked on aged, well worn tree roots. And I was happy.
    Running came at 10, at the next school. "Weak ankles" and lack of confidence made me hope that no one would ever pick me for a team. And I prayed that time would run out before my turn in a game.


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