Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When your bowls don't match

I've always had this vague sense that I needed to be perfect. I must always show happiness. Anything less than that would cause distress to those around me. 

My kids must behave perfectly. Otherwise, others would think I don't have it together as a mom. 

My house must be perfect. Otherwise, people who might stop by might think I'm a slob.

I should be the perfect cook. Plan perfect meals for my family from all of the food groups. All the time.  In fact, absolute perfection would be to plan, shop AND COOK once a month. Period. No running to the grocery store every week, (or worse yet every day)!

My marriage should be the model relationship. Date nights once a week. Husband opens every door for me, and I should get flowers once a week. (This is just for starters! Poor man!)

Our yard should be immaculate. No weeds. No brown spots. Anywhere. (again, poor man!)

I open my kitchen cupboard to grab a bowl. I notice my stack of three bowls. They DO NOT MATCH! One has a robin on it (I love birds), one is a pure white bowl that my husband brought back for me from a business trip to Germany. And, the sweet little bowl that I rescued this spring from Goodwill. My stack of bowls is just one thing in my life that exposes my lack of perfection in so many areas.

It dawned on me when I saw those bowls stacked in my cupboard that they are perfectly imperfect. No, they don't match. But, they are me. They each tell some part of my story. And, it is okay that they don't match. It is okay and good and right that they aren't perfect! Because.....drum roll.......I am not perfect!

Perfectly imperfect. God says I should glory in this. Accept imperfection in myself. Accept myself. Because the more I embrace my "imperfect", the more God's perfect strength and grace empower me.

Thanks be to God for his perfect Perfection--giving himself as a sacrifice on the cross so I don't have to be perfect to be acceptable to him. He loves me just as I am, imperfections and all.

"Each time He said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10b.

Thank you, Father God, for this promise from you. Help me to accept my perfectly imperfect self, because You do!

In what ways are you feeling you must be perfect to be acceptable to yourself, to those around you, or even to God? How can you begin to embrace your imperfections (weaknesses), that God's power might work through you? I'd love to hear from you!

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