Monday, December 30, 2013

When you need a soul remodel


Take out your soft-bristled scrub brushes and do an inner soul-cleaning today.

It's time to rearrange the furniture a bit.

Maybe move some of it from one room to another, or even out to the curb.

Until it's garage sale weather,
remove all the outdated soul-hold items that are no longer useful and are not a beautiful addition to my being.

--remove bitterness and move in forgiveness

--put impatience out and place kindness front and center

--put love by the window so those wandering souls who pass by can feel its            warmth and see the glow of it

--take the ugly sketches drawn by my frustration and disappointment and hang        up your colorful splashes of peace on the canvas of my mind


There are smudges of indifference on the walls of my heart.
Buff those out and put up a mural of your compassion and service.

Sweep up the crumbs of self-doubt
and roll out the crimson carpet of faith, peace and self-acceptance.

Sometimes the windows of my soul are fogged over with a haze of judgement.
Polish those with the cloth of your grace and acceptance.

I want the sofa facing the door, Lord,
so others will feel welcomed to come in and rest awhile.

Remove the splinters of hurt caused by the roughness of where I've walked,
and sand those surfaces smooth with Your healing touch so the hurts don't linger.


I trust you, Lord, with the clearing of soul clutter:

--inner chatter about imperfections
--worries about the future
--regrets of the past

In fact, Lord, don't just tidy up.

I want you to do a whole-house soul remodel.


Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Psalm 51:7


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