I'm linking up with Emily at Chatting at the Sky for her monthly Things I Learned link up. This is for the silly and the serious things. Here are six things I learned this month in no particular order.
1. A crazy trait of mine finally dawned on me. When my favorite pen runs out of ink, it makes me cranky. This happened twice to me this month with pens I had become quite attached to. I guess I must be a pen snob. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it needs to be the right thickness for my hand to grip, and it has to be a medium ball point. Never fine point, heavens no.
2. We bought a little house. After 30 years of marriage and being (nearly) empty nesters we don't need as much space. We are moving from a 2500 square foot home to 1185 square feet. Yes, our parents are looking at us a little cross-eyed about this one. It seems backwards, yes?
We decided to try to simplify our lives and our finances a bit. Make it easier to put money to different things than a house payment and property taxes. We're also going to have to severely simplify our possessions, which has already been happening.
If we haven't used it in a year, or maybe 14 years, since we moved here, well then, maybe we don't need it! This stack of pants of mine, I finally let go to Goodwill after not touching them in fourteen years. It's about time!
3. Letting go of some of my collectibles hasn't been as bad as I thought. I had to empty one whole dresser of doilies, dresser scarves and other assorted vintage linens and it wasn't that bad. My only requirement for letting these once sentimental things leave my house is that they will be consigned, not given away.
4. We are a movie crazy family. Last night was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows night. Of course, we've all seen this one before. But, knowing that I don't like scary parts my daughter and son warned me, "Mom, there's a jump scare coming up." This was new. Being warned ahead of time, so I can leave the room. So appreciated!
5. The four of us living in this house got it ready for pictures and listing for sale in six days flat. When our offer was accepted on the "new" one, we took only six days to tidy up, do our small touch ups, wash windows and majorly declutter.
During those six days we took 30 bags to Goodwill, 7 bags to the garbage, 12 bags of books to Half Price Books to sell and 5 bags to the recycle bin. (yes, my husband kept track!) Pretty impressive if you ask me! And, I'm already feeling lighter.
6. My husband has an intern at work from Denmark. A couple of Saturdays ago, we took him to the Iowa State Capitol for a tour. My mom happened to be the tour guide! I had been there before, but it was fun taking someone from out of the country to see it for the first time. This time I noticed more of the beautiful structure of this building which was built in the late 1800's.
So, if you are ever in Iowa, come visit the Iowa State Capitol, listed on one top ten list of most beautiful buildings in the world!
Thanks for stopping by!