Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dare to Be: Contemplative {Day 6}

This post is part of a 31 Day series on the topic Dare to Be and linking up with about 1500 other bloggers on hundreds of topics. Come on over to The Nester to check that out!

On a day not too long ago, in my morning reading/journaling time, I started to ponder all the aspects of Jesus' humanity. I believe He is fully Divine and was also fully human when He walked this earth. 

This of course is too lofty for my human mind to wrap around. 

I think that's what got to me that day.

I wrote a poem in my journal I'd like to share with you on this Sunday. Pay attention to the descriptions of how Jesus' humanity is just like you and me, in that even though He is fully God, He had a body just like ours. 

The Humanity of Jesus

All things are in God's hands and under His feet.

His eyes look to and fro throughout the whole earth, searching for those whose hearts are turned toward Him.

His arms are opened wide beckoning all to come to Him.

His legs walked this earth

And also carried him as He carried the cross.

His eyes wept real tears at the death of his friend, Lazarus.

His arms held children close to him while he said, "Don't hinder these."

His mouth spoke words of truth, love, joy and peace.

His cheeks felt the heat of anger in the temple.

His hands broke bread and offered it to his disciples as a symbol of his own body breaking for them.

His lips drank the wine as a covenant was spoken.

His head wore the crown of thorns meant for a criminal, not the King of Kings.

His hands and feet took the nails.

But before that, they touched the sick and walked towards the hurting.

His lips formed the words, "Father forgive them."

What a wonderful Savior!

{This poem is based on descriptions of what Jesus did and how He is described in the Bible, mainly the Gospels and some in the Old Testament.}

May you have times in your life for contemplating just who Jesus is to you. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Blessings, friends!


Click my button for a list of all 31 Days posts! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a beautiful poem. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much, Barbie, for your kind words.


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